Immunity wanes from about the third month to be only 50% at 6 months after.
Make sure you book in for your booster at 6 mths. We have Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and will have Novavax when it comes
You can book online at
When we open up we are going to get a big wave of infection through the unvaccinated particularly
Currently unvaccinated people are 70 times more likely to end in ICU than the vaccinated.90% of people in hospital with Covid are the unvaccinated
The older you are and if you are immune compromised the less protection you get from just 2 vaccines so boosters are especially important for you.They boost immunity levels up to 90%
Vaccination for 6-11 yr olds is coming in January 2022.
Extra Medicare benefits are now available to eligible patients who have registered with the Australian Government’s MyMedicare eg longer telehealth appts, care plans and mental health plans. WE offer 7 day access (Telehealth on Sundays) and you can still see your local practice if you need to when registered with us. To register or learn more about how MyMedicare can benefit you, click here or ask on arrival
There are multiple ways you can register with your chosen practice in MyMedicare:
MyMedicare registration will not prevent you from accessing care from other practices and healthcare providers. MyMedicare does not tie you to a particular healthcare provider. You can change your preferred GP within your registered practice at any time.